Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Is it true that it is illegal to go into a bank on Halloween wearing a mask? I heard this more than once.?

That sounds perfectly logical! Afterall, Halloween is for young children to go out at night and trick or treat, and banks would normally be closed during this time, wouldn't they?

However, if someone did put on a mask and did enter a bank during the daylight, normal business hours, I wouldn't blame any security guard for being a little bit uneasy or nervous seeing an individual standing in line in front of a tellers window wearing a mask, and I wouldn't blame the guard one bit for reacting in a negative manner, as he is being paid by the bank to protect the bank and its employees and customers.

Yes I would think that it is illegal to go into a bank on Halloween wearing a mask!

Thank youIs it true that it is illegal to go into a bank on Halloween wearing a mask? I heard this more than once.?
it probably is, and even if it isn't the tellers would sh*t a solid gold brick if they happened to have forgotten what day it was and the security guards might open fire on ye!Is it true that it is illegal to go into a bank on Halloween wearing a mask? I heard this more than once.?
I'm not sure if it's illegal, but I would never go into any bank while wearing a mask!
Haha. I've never heard that but sounds funny.
You'll definitely get noticed and have the cops on you.
I'm not sure, isn't it illegal anytime of the year to walk into a bank masked.
Just checked with our local cop. Yes it is illegal, at least in this county and the banks usualy post signs saying not to wear a mask.
I'm pretty sure that's a no-no every day, not just Halloween. On that note, never go into an airport and scream, ';I have a bomb!'; either. They definitely won't think that's funny.
it's illegal anytime.
around here you never wear a mask in a bank

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